Emilia Romagna Castles

la vita nel convento dell'Osservanza a Brisighella

Borgo di Brisighella

Events may be subject to change, always contact organizers before going to the venue.

Sunday 13 October from 10.00 to 19.00 the Proloco of Brisighella in collaboration with the religious paths Viae Misericordiae and Cammino di Sant'Antonio invites you to visit the Observance convent in Brisighella entrance from via Masironi 3. A guide local expert will show you the Church with its works of art, the cloister of olive trees, the cells and the refectories used by the Friars until 2015. The architectural barriers have also been made accessible to disabled people except for some points where it is not It was possible to create access ramps. To book, call Luciano Albonetti 3356646192

free offer

View schedules on highlighted days by clicking on them
Via Naldi 2, 48013, Brisighella, (RA)

Lunedì Sabato 9,00 - 13,00
giovedì, venerdì e sabato 16,00 to 18,00
fino al 15 ottobre